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Nombres mayas niños

Mayan names for girls and their meaning

The names of Mexican origin keep in their structure many meanings, which above all have a union with nature, the universe, and strength. We are talking about names that arise from cultures that marked the history of a country and that managed at the time to position themselves as the most important in Mesoamerica. That is why we want to share a list of Mayan names for girls, where you will surely discover the ideal name for your baby. You will find below beautiful names that above all will highlight their beauty and strength.

Origin of Mayan names for babies.

Let’s start by exploring a bit of the Mayan culture and its connection to the names we will present below. The Mayan culture spread through southern Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, and part of Honduras and El Salvador. One of the most representative cultures, especially for its intelligence. They managed to master the language through the writing of hieroglyphs, they were the best and outstanding in aspects such as mathematics, astronomy, arts, and architecture.

Mayan girl names within this culture were crucial, as they represented the fate of the baby, although some others also pointed out physical or personality characteristics. The Maya performed some ceremonies similar to what we know today as baptism. Once the babies were born they were taken to the priest, who gave them a name. This was related to the sign it had, that is, it indicated whether the baby was born with good or bad fortune. Normally this name was temporary and was modified during the puberty ceremony. For them, it represented a new birth “caputzihil” that was approximately 13 years.

Specifically, female names used to start with X and to which the names of animals or beings of nature. Something that is also interesting, is the fact that as you will see below, they are very different names to those we are used to, starting with the structure that is given, but also by the sound. It is because in the Mayan languages sounds are used that are produced with the obstruction of the air, after its pronunciation. These characteristics can help cover the desire that arises on many occasions, that the name is unique, little heard, and maintains a special meaning.

Now that we’ve known more about this culture, let’s go to the names.

Mayan names for girls:

  • Kiichpam: “Beautiful, beauty”; let’s start with a name that definitely fits your little one. A beautiful girl both inside and outside. Although it can be simple on many occasions, this name turns out to be very significant, since it is easy to remember and represents the feeling that parents had when choosing the name.
  • Kookay: “Firefly”, this name is related to a well-known Mayan legend. According to what this legend shows, the firefly is related to a cunning little girl, with a good heart who will be rewarded with unparalleled brilliance.
  • Mayel: “perfumed or with soft aroma”, a name strongly linked with delicacy, a pleasant presence, but very subtle, that is, a girl with humility, pleasant, and tenderness unparalleled in her being.
  • Náayten: “Dream about me”, is probably a name that will surprise all those who ask about its meaning. Certainly, your little one will be unforgettable and extremely loved by all the people who will know her.
  • Chamaltuux: “The one with the sunken dimple.” If your baby has a beautiful dimple on the cheek, it can definitely be an ideal name for her. A girl who will always show her smile, which will be her letter of introduction to life. In addition, it has the effect of provoking tenderness and empathy.
  • Nikté: Flower.
  • Nikte Ool: Flowery soul.

Flowers are undoubtedly a symbol of delicacy, beauty, and life. But also in the indigenous world, it refers to respect and concern for the welfare of the gods. That is, these names of flowers allow a connection with that world, specifically with nature, taking into account the type of deities that were had.

  • Get out of it: Its translation would be something like an “Aurora or a Dawn”. That is someone who illuminates, with many colors in his being, but above all beauty that can cause a lot of inner peace.
  • Wayak Óol: “Dreamy spirit.” It seems to me that it is one of the most revolutionary names of the time since it recognizes the way women can dream. Where the strength of her spirit can take her to beautiful, big, and unimaginable places.
  • Jamaach: “Love, love.”
  • Yaamil: “To be loved.”

Love is one of the most beautiful and important feelings that exist for human beings. There are a million meanings that could be given to it, but they all always lead to the best aspects a person can have. Giving her that big meaning to your little one is in turn a way to show her the affection you have for her.

  • Yelev: “Chosen” This is a neutral name, but one that is mostly taken up for women. A person who will find a valuable sense of life, and a goal that will have an impact around her.
  • Amaité: “Face of heaven.” A simple meaning, which reflects tenderness, love, and immensity.

We hope that these names are to your liking and we are very grateful that you allow us to be part of something as beautiful as the choice of name for your baby. You can find more mayan baby names here.


  • Gesto y ritual. Lecturas sobre el bautismo entre los mayas contemporáneos. Enrique Javier Rodríguez Balam.
  • Historia documental de México 1. Los mayas. Alfredo Barrera Vázquez.
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  • 400 nombres mayas del poeta Yucateco Feliciado Sanchez Chan.
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