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dermatitis atopica

Atopic dermatitis in children. What it is and remedies

Atopic dermatitis is a skin condition that causes certain alterations in the skin. This pathology is of chronic condition and with a certain genetic predisposition. Its main symptoms manifest as inflammations, skin lesions and irritations. In addition, this alteration creates a greater sensitivity and excessively dry skin, which leads to flaking, irritation and great itching sensation.

Approximately 10-15 of children suffer from this ailment. In general, before the age of five and usually continues during adolescence and even during adulthood. However, there are other factors that can lead to their appearance, either by environmental elements, allergies, food intolerances and even some clothing.

Atopic dermatitis usually occurs in areas such as hands, feet, elbows, upper chest, knees, wrists, legs, and even on the scalp and face.

What are the main symptoms?

It is quite common that with the onset of the first symptoms, it does not appear that it is dermatitis. However, these tend to increase and have unmistakable traits, although it will be safest to always let yourself be advised by qualified health personnel.

Affecting the skin, as mentioned, causes the skin to become excessively dry, tight, cracked, and itchy. In addition, it is usually accompanied by red to brown spots, blisters, or small swellings that can cause scabs if scratched.

In most cases, their appearance is due to genetic factors, difficult to avoid but that can be controlled and above all avoid elements and factors that aggravate dermatitis.

Factors that can aggravate symptoms of dermatitis

Undoubtedly, elements such as dust, pollen (an important factor to consider in season), mold, and environments without aeration, tend to significantly affect the condition of the skin. In addition, it is quite common for allergies to be presented by any of these pathogens, so we will have to try to stay in environments with a healthy atmosphere.

Colds, flu, and dry air situations in winter or other seasonal elements have a significant impact on this ailment. So, like drastic temperature changes or sweat itself.

A lot of attention to clothes

In the textile industry, a large number of parts are produced that are made from irritating materials, dyes, quality wools, and other synthetic compounds that can be quite harmful.

In this case not only on clothing but in bed linen, towels, or any piece that is in contact directly with the skin. The most advisable is cotton garments or similar.

Water can be a problem

Excessive contact with water, as a result of hygiene itself or the practice of some aquatic sport, may increase the presence of skin lesions, or contribute to its dehydration.

Food can be another key factor

There are certain foods, or groups of these, that are more likely to develop food allergies or intolerances. Dairy, some nuts, citrus, or even shellfish can promote the skin irritation process.

Instead, including vitamin-rich foods such as A in the diet help the body in defense processes, or as vitamin E, very flattering for the skin.

Measures to alleviate its effects

To prevent atopic dermatitis from manifesting or outbreaking atopic dermatitis, it is important to take certain steps such as the following:

  • They are due to skin products with strong chemical components. Instead, it’s much more advisable to opt for creams with a neutral PH, hypoallergenic products, and without parabens.
  • Moisturize the skin (at least 2 times a day). For infants, the use of Vaseline can help prevent or control it.
  • In the pharmaceutical market, there are a lot of lotions and creams to treat atopic dermatitis, both in adults and children.
  • Another element that manages to alleviate the effects of this type of dermatitis is to identify the factors that make it worse so you can control them. Both in the intake of certain foods, and with the use of clothing that can accelerate irritation.
  • In addition, attention should be paid to drying the body after bathing. Always without rubbing the towel, but with small touches that remove moisture.
  • Last but not least, in case of acute outbreaks, it is likely that the use of corticosteroids, antibiotics or antihistamine (on prescription) is likely necessary.

Latest ideas to consider

Atopic dermatitis is eczema, only more chronic than others. In addition, it is not given for reasons of contagion, so it does not matter the closeness or physical contact with the affected person.

While it’s not a unique ailment of allergy sufferers if they are more likely to suffer. The odds of an adult developing or developing them are about 5. It is a condition that usually occurs in children and when there is a genetic predisposition to it.

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