Category: Baby
Organic pacifiers and their benefits
Babies are born with a natural sucking instinct that not only allows them to feed but to find calm in their mother’s chest and feel comforted. Therefore, there are mixed opinions about the use of the pacifier, I did not use it with my children. However, as many of you know, I have a twin ... Read more
Breastfeeding crises: what they are and how to tackle them
Mothers go through a series of difficulties of more or less depth when it comes to breastfeeding. They do not only concern physical issues such as cracks or obstruction of ducts, nor are they due exclusively to the attitudes that the child is taking towards the chest, such as rejection. Sometimes it is the environment ... Read more
The immune system in childhood (What it is, resistance, lactation)
The function of your child’s immune system is to protect the body against bacteria, viruses, fungi, and other invaders. How does this complex system work? And how can you increase your child’s stamina? Your child should develop resistance to all sorts of specific pathogens after birth. This buildup occurs when your child first comes into ... Read more
Mayan names for boys and their meaning
Mayan names are a great option to add to your list of possible names for your baby. They are names with special, beautiful and different meanings. In addition, they are endowed with the history of a highly representative culture for Mesoamerica. That is why we want to share a list of Mayan names for children, ... Read more
Aztec names in Nahuatl for boys and their meaning
Ready to choose your little one’s name? At Tips de Madre we know that you are about to make a difficult but also very beautiful decision. Choosing the ideal name for your baby is not easy. That’s why we want to support you, and below we present a list of Aztec names, which belong to ... Read more
Mayan names for girls and their meaning
The names of Mexican origin keep in their structure many meanings, which above all have a union with nature, the universe, and strength. We are talking about names that arise from cultures that marked the history of a country and that managed at the time to position themselves as the most important in Mesoamerica. That ... Read more
Aztec names in Nahuatl for girls and their meaning
Choosing the name for your little one is one of the most important steps, something that requires time and above all many options. The most valuable thing is that you manage to find one that fills the meaning you want to express and reflects the love you have for your girl. Names in Nahuatl are ... Read more
How to make a child be patient and calm?
Patience is a skill that takes a lot of work to acquire and carry out, especially since we are talking about a time when everything is immediate. Technology has given us many benefits, including access to all our desires from the comfort of home or an app. We must accept that our children are part ... Read more
Pets and babies: can you have all the beings you love together?
Yes, the answer is yes, but much more attention needs to be paid to issues like hygiene and order at home to maintain the baby’s best health, especially during the first few months. In my case, I was fortunate to be able to get my dogs into daycare during the post-cesarean quarantine in which my ... Read more
The core nutrients required in infant nutrition
Nutrition during the early stages of life is very important to the child’s growth. It ensures the proper development of various organ systems and the general well-being of the child. Your infant’s nutrition needs change as they grow older since their body goes through a lot of changes within just a few months. In order ... Read more
How to tell if my child needs glasses
In most cases, babies are born with very good eyesight and it remains for several years. But there are more and more cases in which at an early age your eyesight begins to fail, a situation that can go unnoticed by us as parents if we don’t pay enough attention. For younger kids who still ... Read more
3 Tips to Help Your Baby Sleep
Sleeping babies and then being able to sleep ourselves is the big challenge that many parents face, especially at night. That is, the daytime naps that babies take are easy most of the time because if they have their belly full, they have a clean diaper, they have already bathed, the temperature of the house ... Read more
How to protect my baby from changes in weather
Children are more vulnerable than adults to climate changes or extreme temperatures. Colds, skin irritations, lack of appetite or headaches are common symptoms in the little ones. However, since babies can’t tell you what they’re feeling, you have to pay close attention to how they behave. For instance, you can check whether they’re sicker, fussier, ... Read more
Tips for introducing solids into your baby’s diet
Set the stage for a life with good nutrition by making your baby’s transition to solid foods smooth and healthy. You have the spoon in one hand and the camera in the other: you’re ready to give your baby the first solid food! It’s an exciting time, but it can also be a little stressful ... Read more
What causes rotavirus and what does it mean?
WHAT IS ROTAVIRUS? It is a virus that causes childhood infectious gastroenteritis. Almost all children will have at least 1 rotavirus infection before age 5. WHO IS AT RISK OF DEVELOPING IT? It is the most common cause of severe diarrhea in young children around the world. Children under the age of five are the ... Read more