Category: Preschool
The immune system in childhood (What it is, resistance, lactation)
The function of your child’s immune system is to protect the body against bacteria, viruses, fungi, and other invaders. How does this complex system work? And how can you increase your child’s stamina? Your child should develop resistance to all sorts of specific pathogens after birth. This buildup occurs when your child first comes into ... Read more
How to make a child be patient and calm?
Patience is a skill that takes a lot of work to acquire and carry out, especially since we are talking about a time when everything is immediate. Technology has given us many benefits, including access to all our desires from the comfort of home or an app. We must accept that our children are part ... Read more
Relaxation techniques for preschoolers
Moments of stress, anxiety, and tension do not occur only in adults with responsibilities and occupations. Children may also be concerned for a variety of reasons: an exam at school, some particular concern, constant changes in their development process, or a tiring day in their activities. No matter what’s the cause, stress can harm your ... Read more
What is enuresis in children and how to treat it?
Enuresis (day and night) is an uncontrolled loss of urine by a child. Enuresis is annoying, but it is not a disease, although it can be a difficult problem for children and parents to carry. Until the age of approximately 12 months, urination occurs when the bladder fills uncontrolled or reflex. Bladder control subsequently develops, ... Read more
What is the Doman Method for Reading In Infants?
Reading and writing are the main skills that distinguish people from any other living being. These two activities are the main tools with which we develop our intellect. That’s why we offer you a practical guide to the Doman method. This can teach your child to read from 8 months of age. A baby may ... Read more
How to teach young children how to save?
Every day you strive to teach values and good manners to your children, because you want them to be successful men and women. Instilling financial habits in children and teaching them to save since they are young children can contribute to raising independent children, their responsibility and sense of saving. Why is it so important? ... Read more
The Montessori Learning Tower what is it?
Have you heard of the Montessori Learning Tower? It is a tool that allows a child to carry out daily activities independently with their parents. What is a learning tower? Young children are always curious and interested in helping with daily activities. From helping to cook to washing your hands. So they are growing more ... Read more
How does Waldorf pedagogy works? What does it mean?
Have you heard of Waldorf pedagogy? In recent years, pedagogical methods that have moved away from what we know as traditional education, have become a very popular giving way to new paradigms involved in the teaching-learning process known as alternative pedagogy. Waldorf pedagogy is characterized by being an alternative to the traditional educational movement whose ... Read more