Category: Mom Life
How to Create a Safe and Nurturing Environment in Postnatal Yoga Classes
Teaching yoga to new mothers comes with great responsibility. The postnatal period is a vulnerable time, both physically and emotionally, as women recover from childbirth and adjust to changing hormones, new routines, and sleep deprivation. Providing a safe and nurturing environment in postnatal yoga classes is essential to support mothers through this transition. With some ... Read more
Women’s Reproductive Wellness: Taking Care of Your Health
Reproductive well-being is a critical component of our health. This is essential not only for women who want to conceive, but also for overall well-being throughout life. Here we will briefly mention some tips to take care of yourself, Tips for getting pregnant and so on. Our primary focus is to promote awareness and care ... Read more
Six Side Hustles to Pursue with Well-Honed “Mom Skills”
As a mom, you are sure to have developed a number of different skills, whether you are consciously aware of them or not. For instance, most mothers develop “mom skills” like multitasking, organization, patience, time management, and problem-solving. So, if you are considering beginning a side hustle job to bring in some extra money, it ... Read more
How To Use Fertility And Ovulation Kits For Family Planning
Family planning plays a vital role in a couple’s life when they embark on the parenthood journey. This process provides the opportunity to control reproductive rights, plan for healthier pregnancies, and ensure better birth outcomes. The decision to conceive should be informed, facilitated by a clear understanding of fertility. The technological revolution has significantly influenced ... Read more
How To Prepare for Your First Day at a New Job
Whether you recently welcomed a little one (congrats!) and are returning to the workforce after an extended maternity leave or are a mom who just wanted a change of pace from their previous job, that first day at a new job can be nerve-wracking! What should you wear? What should you bring? Will you make ... Read more
What is Successful Breastfeeding?
Article written by Fanny Safl from SeBuscanMamás Today I want to write you a little bit about my perspective on the types of breastfeeding and what is successful breastfeeding. Exclusive breastfeeding and milk formulas Exclusive breastfeeding is one where you naturally provide food to your baby through your breasts, you do not give any other ... Read more
What is an ergonomic baby carrier? Benefits and indications
I’m Elvira Salgado of Emikoala guest writer and again I am very pleased to share more about babywearing with you, this time I want to talk about ergonomic carrying, previously I told you about the advantages of carrying your baby, among some are the constant contact with your baby, reduction of stress and crying, improvement ... Read more
What do I need to organize a children’s party?
It’s no secret that many of us want an amazing party for our children, although there are many mixed opinions, such as: “why should I organize a baby’s party if it is not going to be remembered” “it is just to spend money”… I like my child to see pictures from previous years and be ... Read more
How to care for the skin during and after pregnancy
The skin during pregnancy can undergo some changes that usually bother the woman in the aesthetic aspect, such as spots on the face, and stretch marks on the abdomen, hips and breasts, however, they can be avoided easily and effectively by following the following recommendations Stretch marks One of the skin problems that most concern ... Read more
Ways to Save as a Single Mom
One of the biggest concerns we have, when we become moms, is money and how to save to give our kids the best now and in the future. Now, if we find ourselves in a situation where the couple does not live with us or does not support parenting, this is even more difficult since ... Read more
What is the Montessori Bed and why you should be interested in
Assembling the room for a baby or child is a deeper task than it seems at first glance. You have to look for something that can fit your tastes and that, at the same time, promotes a climate of comfort and convenience that allows you to rest when you need it. In recent years, the ... Read more
What are the most common fears in pregnancy?
Fears during pregnancy can be as great and varied as we don’t have an idea. In reality, these will depend a lot on the context of the person. We must take into account what is your emotional, social, and economic situation, what happens to your support network, what are your fears before pregnancy, what learning ... Read more
How to entertain your kids while working at home
If it’s a challenge to take care of the kids every day, and it’s an odyssey to keep the house in order and take care of the kids, it seems like an impossible challenge to work at home while taking care of the little ones, doesn’t it? It seems, but it’s not impossible. It requires ... Read more
3 Tips to Help Your Baby Sleep
Sleeping babies and then being able to sleep ourselves is the big challenge that many parents face, especially at night. That is, the daytime naps that babies take are easy most of the time because if they have their belly full, they have a clean diaper, they have already bathed, the temperature of the house ... Read more
Self-medication to children, dangers and consequences in your child
Self-medication is not recommended at any age,but in children it is even less so. Even if you have medications at hand at home, you should take your child to see a pediatrician before giving him or her any medications. A medical professional will provide specific guidance on how to treat your child’s symptoms. Self-medication in ... Read more