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How long does the food hold in the freezer?

Whether in shops or homes, the freezer is usually one of the most used appliances due to its ability to mitigate putrefaction in food. In order to avoid the decomposition of food, this device uses the freezing mechanism to slow down the enzymatic processes that produce alterations in food.

However, there is a tendency to mistakenly believe that frozen food can retain its properties for many years. Regardless of how they have been wrapped, the materials used and their respective insulation, food has a maximum period before microbes do their decomposition work.

The shelf life of some foods once frozen

Keep in mind that the freezing process does not kill microbes or fungi, but simply slows down their activities. This obviously means that it does not completely stop microbial activity in food. According to international organizations such as the European Food Safety Agency and the Food Safety Agency of the United States, these are some of the maximum periods that endure food in a frozen state:


If this food was previously baked, you can maintain its properties once frozen for a maximum of 3 months.


If these delicious raisins do not contain many sugars, they can be kept perfectly frozen for up to 8 months.

Red Meat

Meat foods from cattle and lambs can withstand up to 9 months frozen without losing their properties.

Meat from pork

Due to the high amount of fat contained in this type of food, its duration once frozen can reach six months. However, if the meat has been previously roasted and during this cooking process it loses a lot of fat, then this food can last up to 1 year frozen.

White meat from poultry

Meat from chicken and turkey because they are very protein and low in fat can last up to 12 months frozen without losing their properties.

White fish

The meat of the heavy white tends to decompose faster when compared to that of beef. However, its duration once frozen and if it is maintained its isolation is about six months.


Although in the market it is possible to find a wide variety of cheeses, their conservation once frozen will depend on the amount of fat it contains, no matter if it is cured or not. While solid cheeses with very little fat last six months frozen, fatty ones do not usually exceed 1 month.


Being a food which has been previously fermented, frozen yogurt lasts for two months.


Regardless of their origin (vegetables, meat or fish), broths or vegetables have a maximum duration of three months.


Everything will depend on the origin of this sausage, if the sausage is natural and fresh, it can last about 2 to 3 months frozen. In contrast, processed sausages, such as those used to make hot dogs, have a maximum duration of 1 to 2 months.

It is worth remembering that many health authorities oblige companies in the food sector to show consumers the expiration dates on the packaging or through labels. Therefore, consumers should take this date into account when freezing their food.

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