Flying by plane: What you should not miss in your baby’s bag
All mothers have gone through the fear and nervousness that involves getting on a plane with our babies, for the first time, and that this moment towards the wonderful vacation becomes your worst nightmare. That fear is natural, but there are things you can do and tips that you can use to make everything turn out perfect … or almost perfect.
What you should not miss in your baby’s bag:
- Diapers and wipes.
- Baby bottles, formula, and water in case the baby drinks from the bottle.
- Pacifier to use “just in case.”
- The 2 or 3 favorite toys of the moment.
- Two or three changes of clothes, depending on the flight time.
- Cell with downloaded movies and games. There is also a group of moms who prefer not to use electronic devices with their children, and are totally entitled.
- The recommendation is to take them in case it is considered necessary to use them in full flight.
- Favorite cookies, or chopped fruit or any snack you know you like and reassure you: airport agents allow the passage of food, drinks, and certain utensils when traveling with children. Be patient, the passage through the Security area is slower, especially in some countries.
- A small first aid kit in case an emergency occurs during the flight: fever medication, pain medicine and the treatment you are taking if you are going through a disease (boats no more than 100ml).
- A little blanket
Every baby is different, with different temperaments and tolerance to frustration. In addition, the child’s age greatly influences the behavior he will have during the flight. Generally, babies of a maximum of one year fall asleep easily with the movement of the plane and with the help of breast milk or a bottle, while children who begin with their first steps or are already walking, will inevitably want to stand up. It’s good to do it a couple of times so that we all stretch our legs.
One of the most important data – which will have greater impact for better or worse on the baby – is that in order to prevent their ears from clogging and landing, the recommendation is to give them some liquid from a bottle or breast milk, As the suction movement in your mouth (similar to what we do when chewing a gum) prevents the accumulation of air in the ears, which reduces discomfort and therefore, crying.
In those common moments of turbulence that occur during a flight – as you know – nobody is allowed to stand and everyone must have their belt buckled. These minutes can represent the moments of greatest stress for our children, because far from feeling free to fiddle, entertain or stand, they feel all the nervousness in the environment. We must try – if possible – to remain calm and speak to them in a soft voice all the time, while we caress your back or your hands. As much fear as we have, we are responsible for transmitting peace to ours.
The best advice I can give you is to have deaf ears in the face of criticism: there will always be someone who does not understand what it means to undergo these circumstances and then enjoy the holidays, just like anyone else. In the face of criticism, it is better to remain silent, continue with ours and respectfully face the situation if necessary.
Take a deep breath, take care of your little one and enjoy, everything in this life is an experience! Happy Holidays!
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