Files: sons
How to talk about private body parts with children?
The subject is always difficult to address with children since there is a lot of fear of making mistakes, creating an uncomfortable moment or saying information greater or less than what children require. Sometimes many adults expect the perfect moment to present itself, but they don’t have a clear idea of what it will be ... Read more
Phrases to educate and avoid sexual abuse in children (boys)
The relationship of boys with their bodies is usually different from that of girls. This is due to gender issues, that is, teachings that we are internalizing little by little. From what we learn to relate to the other. There are different phrases that can have a major impact on the relationship men have with ... Read more
How to build trust between parents and children
The relationship we have with our children is something that we must seek every day and that each time it passes, we will be more grateful for the state of it. There are stages as in adolescence that they and we must communicate, support, and be stronger. We will talk about how to build trust ... Read more
Flying by plane: What you should not miss in your baby’s bag
All mothers have gone through the fear and nervousness that involves getting on a plane with our babies, for the first time, and that this moment towards the wonderful vacation becomes your worst nightmare. That fear is natural, but there are things you can do and tips that you can use to make everything turn ... Read more