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Getting to know baby carriers: Mei-Tai, Onbuhimo

Hello, I’m Elvira Salgado, guest writer, we continue talking about ergonomic baby carriers, we are already in the final stretch, and this time I want to talk about baby carriers of Asian origin such as the mei-tai and the onbuhimo.

During the development of cultures around the world, baby carriers have always been a part of the breeding in Latin America, the use of canvases, shawls, and blankets were the tools that families used to carry their children in their arms without neglecting the activities Productive Like agriculture, meanwhile, in China and Japan they used the more structured baby carriers such as the mei-tai and the onbuhimo.

Both baby carriers are very similar to the ergonomic backpack, in fact, the mei-tai and the onbuhimo are the inspiration to create the ergonomic backpack but with more sophisticated materials such as snaps and padding on the straps.

What is mei tai and how does it get

The mei-tai consists of a fabric panel attached to a belt and two straps approximately 2 meters long, it is recommended for use when babies are 6 months old or have head and back control (sit on their own), currently, there are Evolutionary Mei-Tai that can be used before 6 months. Thanks to its belt and shoulder strap system, the baby’s weight is distributed between the hips and shoulders.

The Onbuhimo Traditional consists of a fabric panel attached to two straps approximately 2 meters long, instead of a belt to knot over your waist it has a pair of hoops, one on each side, these hoops help to pass the straps and thus create a seat on which the baby will go, it should be noted that this baby carrier is only used to carry the baby. back, the weight of the baby is distributed between the back and shoulders since it lacks support at the waist, currently, there are also modified onbuhimo to make them more comfortable and easy to use, they have padded straps and a system of straps to adjust as if it were an ergonomic backpack, only without a belt.

The onbuhimo is recommended for carrying babies over 6 months of age or babies with head and back control, who are able to remain seated on their own, this is because it does not have a barrier on the sides of the baby that prevents it from sliding on the sides.

Weight Positions and Recommendations for Using the Mei Tai

The mei-tai is very versatile, you can carry your baby in front, back, and hip, since its straps are extra long you can opt for these 3 positions, in terms of weight, it is optimal to carry babies from 6 months to 2 or 3 years depending on the baby, most manufacturers recommend that it does not exceed 20 kilos in weight.

The lonely onbuhimo allows you to carry it on the back, as for the recommended weight most manufacturers recommend not to exceed 15 kilos, my recommendation is to carry an Onbuhimo only for short periods of time, this is because it lacks support at the waist the weight of the baby falls on the shoulders mainly and together with the movement can be painful or cause an injury, Especially when you don’t have the experience or strength to carry, also when babies are already very big.

If you want to use an onbuhimo, I recommend that you add another baby carrier that provides a larger support such as a backpack or a sling, this will allow you to rest your shoulders and avoid overloading them.

Recommendations for use, quality, and care of your mei tai

A very important point is to always check that the seams that join the straps with the panel are strong and secure, that is, that they have a double X-shaped ending since that is the part where more force is going to be exerted when adjusting and loading.

Check that the length of the straps is 2 meters or more, as shorter straps may prevent you from finishing knotting following the directions.

In the case of the onbuhimo, the rings are very important and it is necessary that they are special for carrying, in one piece and not welded, as we explained with the shoulder bag.

It is very important to know how to adjust to avoid injuries, remember that both baby carriers are adjusted by means of fabric strips and a loose fit or a very tight one along with continuous movement can hurt your back or your lower back, I recommend you practice and recognize the signs of tiredness or pain in your body, When there’s any Signal means we’re adjusting wrong.

Do you have any questions about babywearing?


Elvira Salgado

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