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Getting to know baby carriers: Mei-Tai, Onbuhimo
Hello, I’m Elvira Salgado, guest writer, we continue talking about ergonomic baby carriers, we are already in the final stretch, and this time I want to talk about baby carriers of Asian origin such as the mei-tai and the onbuhimo. During the development of cultures around the world, baby carriers have always been a part ... Read more
What causes rotavirus and what does it mean?
WHAT IS ROTAVIRUS? It is a virus that causes childhood infectious gastroenteritis. Almost all children will have at least 1 rotavirus infection before age 5. WHO IS AT RISK OF DEVELOPING IT? It is the most common cause of severe diarrhea in young children around the world. Children under the age of five are the ... Read more
Attachment parenting, what does it consist of?
Attachment parenting postulates its basis in which this type of parenting allows the child to establish good relationships with others and learn to make decisions on their own, since the response of their parents to their needs, will translate into becoming in an adult with great power of autonomy. We can say that in this ... Read more