How to explain humility to a child? (Examples)
Educating and raising the little ones is not easy, because sometimes it can be difficult to provide our knowledge on certain topics. That is, it is very common that we do not find the ideal words for this or even for ourselves some doubts may arise while explaining it, so having some guidelines to help us express what we want is very useful. Herestrong> we teach you how to explain humility to a child.
Importance of talking about humility with children
To begin with, we must raise the importance of explaining this, it is a value or a virtue that will have great importance in your day to day. Not only as a child but also when you grow up. Because of this, it is important to clarify what we mean when we ask them to be humble. We have to know which is our intention in teaching them about this, otherwise, there could be a misinterpretation of the concept.
So much that it could cause them problems recognizing their own achievements, little confidence in their thoughts, or even difficulty in being able to put limits on those around them. Humility is something that will allow them to relate in a very functional way with others, but it is necessary to help them understand its meaning, so as not to fall into unwanted consequences.
What is humility for children?
First, before thinking about how we will talk to them, we must ask ourselves what we mean by humility:
We talk about virtue as a quality, a skill, and even a way of life. For example, your daughter or son know themselves so much that they know what all their characteristics are, both those that they would like to improve and those that work very well. As well as the consequences of them.
However, the kid recognizes that those for which he stands out do not make him more or less than others, but that does not mean that you don’t have to celebrate your achievements, it means that you know how to give place to colleagues, family or friends. When talking about adventures, the person is willing to share experiences without having to impose his point of view as a single truth, and during conversations, he knows an open space for everyone to talk.
Susana knows that she is good at writing down her thoughts and emotions, but not at talking about them directly. Because writing allows you to think things through, find the exact words and not speak because you can’t delete or edit what you’ve said. Recognize what you like and what you don’t like about this situation. She doesn’t like that she hasn’t yet developed the ability to feel confident when speaking, because sometimes she is left wanting to meet more people. Although she is aware that she has won numerous literature and poetry competitions, something she wishes to devote herself to and for which she is well-known among her classmates and teachers. Because of his great talent. She knows that none of her characteristics make her, more or less, simply unique and she works on what she wants to improve, without needing to belittle herself or belittle someone else along the way.
How do you explain what humility is to a child?
Now, in order to enter the conversation with our child, let’s start by asking what he knows about the subject. This is a very useful way to generate learning in children, without feeling heavy or causing fatigue, on the contrary, it can generate interest and even faster learning. Then, depending on the child’s age, go lead the conversation. If something you mention you consider is not necessarily so, to correct it, does not completely disqualify your point of view, you can ask questions or proposals to guide you to the idea you want.
Example for conversing with questions:
You: What is humility for you?
He/She: It’s not letting them congratulate me because I get 10, that’s my obligation and I don’t have to believe much about that.
You: Ok, thank you so much for sharing what you mention. What does it mean to have a lot of faith in yourself?
He/She: Feeling more than others.
You: Ok, I agree with you on the latter. I think that a rating means neither more nor less than a person. Although as for being congratulated… When you take 10 you try hard, right?
He/She: Yes, I strive all year to get good grades.
You: I think that working a whole year is something incredible and worthy of recognition. I think that recognizing your effort does not necessarily mean doing less to others. What ways can you think of so that you can express your happiness for your effort, but without making others feel less?
He/She: It may be to talk about it only once when they congratulate me, then not anymore, and remind them that a rating doesn’t make us more or less. Also that if someone is difficult we can study together and they could help me with what I am not doing so well. It could also be not talking about it in class much, but with my family, to express how happy I am or buy my favorite sweet to celebrate…
This is a small example of how you can start conversations and have your child build answers.
But in the same way, if you do not feel very comfortable guiding the talks like this or it is a very young child to whom you still do not talk about it. We suggest you use examples such as those in the paragraph where we explain what humility is. Later you can make small games of what is and what is not humility. But you must first be very clear about the concept.
Example of a game “what is and what is not humility”:
You: I’m going to give you two examples and let’s identify what is and what is not humility.
First example: When a little one tells another that he is better because his parents did buy him a new toy.
Second example: When a little one has a new toy and uses it to play as a team with his friend.
In case you say the answer incorrectly, the ideal is to mention why it is the other answer. In this case, if he answered wrong, we would tell him. The child who is not humble is because I diminish the value of his little friend by having a characteristic that he does not.
As they progress, you can set an example and have your child structure the counterpart. You give him an example of humility and have him tell you what someone not humble would be like in that same situation.
You can come up with some other games, the idea is that they have fun and use their imagination to learn together. We hope that this information will be very useful to you.
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