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Category: Psychology

How to announce the arrival of a half-brother?

By: Nancy Jimenez / Updated: 2024-04-26

Changes in a family, for both children and adults, may or may not be pleasant. That is why if we make a decision that can affect the life or daily life of our children, we must be very careful and take into account some considerations at the moment when sharing the news or our decision ... Read more

How to explain humility to a child? (Examples)

By: Nancy Jimenez / Updated: 2023-01-26

Educating and raising the little ones is not easy, because sometimes it can be difficult to provide our knowledge on certain topics. That is, it is very common that we do not find the ideal words for this or even for ourselves some doubts may arise while explaining it, so having some guidelines to help ... Read more

How to talk to children about divorce? Tips and more

By: Nancy Jimenez / Updated: 2022-04-04

Obviously, the separation of the parents or divorce turns out to be an important change, not only for the couple but also for the children. For this reason here we recommend some actions that you can apply to them when explaining separation or divorce. 1. Don’t hide reality from them Many times to protect children ... Read more

Managing sadness in children

By: Nancy Jimenez / Updated: 2022-04-03

In this article, we will talk about an emotion that all children present, as well as adults, but that is usually little welcome in our lives. We will establish some points for the management of sadness in children. To begin with, sadness is one of the basic emotions, such as joy, anger and fear, taking ... Read more

Why aren’t children empathetic?

By: Nancy Jimenez / Updated: 2022-04-03

Sometimes, thanks to observation, we can identify that there are children who are not so empathetic with the people around them. Sometimes, when it comes to our children, we wonder what is happening or what may be due, this is because we consider that we have done everything in our power to achieve the opposite. ... Read more

What is self-esteem in children? Importance and Factors

By: Nancy Jimenez / Updated: 2022-04-03

Self-esteem in children is one of the pillars that will allow them to have a “healthy” development, referring to healthy as what will be functional, will allow them to feel good and comfortable with themselves, as well as with their environment. To be able to work on it, it is necessary to begin to seek ... Read more

Empathy – Phrases for children and adults

By: Nancy Jimenez / Updated: 2022-04-03

The value of empathy as such is a feeling that allows us to be in this world. It is essential to be able to interact with other people, so this is part of me. We are sociable beings who learn from our environment and those around us, both what we want and what we do ... Read more

How to develop empathy in children?

By: Nancy Jimenez / Updated: 2022-04-03

Empathy is what we most want to develop in our children, however, sometimes it is difficult to bring them closer to this world. To transmit all our values to make them respectful and conscious people. Here we show you some activities that you can do to start developing empathy in children, we will also talk ... Read more

How do I explain to my child that he or she is going to go to the psychologist?

By: Nancy Jimenez / Updated: 2022-04-03

As parents we can identify the moment in which it is necessary or could be beneficial for our children to come with a emotional and mental health specialist. However, it is often difficult to communicate, as we are still full of diverse information about therapy, mostly erroneous, where it is considered a bad thing. It ... Read more

How to teach children about self-esteem?

By: Dafne Delgado / Updated: 2022-03-14

This is a question that as parents we usually ask ourselves. If it has happened to you, even if you still do not know the answer, you are on a very good path. Paying attention to the psychological field of children is the first step to take care of them and teach them to take ... Read more

Child cognitive behavioral therapy

By: Dafne Delgado / Updated: 2022-03-04

Once we decide to take our son to therapy, also called psychotherapy, what follows is to know what he will be like, that is, what the therapist will and will not do, the way he will conduct the sessions. This will depend on the approach. This is practically the theory from which you are going ... Read more

What does a child neuropsychologist do?

By: Dafne Delgado / Updated: 2022-03-03

The health of our little ones will always be our top priority. Surely you wonder How do I know if I should take my child to a neuropsychologist? In order to choose the right psychologist for our son or daughter, the first thing we must know is that psychology has different approaches. It should be ... Read more

How do I explain to my child that he is going to see the psychologist?

By: Dafne Delgado / Updated: 2022-03-03

As parents, we are able to identify the moment when it is necessary or could be beneficial for our children to see an emotional and mental health specialist. However, it is often difficult to communicate it, as we are still full of various information about the therapy, mostly wrong, where it is considered as something ... Read more

What is play therapy? Child psychotherapy and Humanism

By: Dafne Delgado / Updated: 2022-03-03

You have probably heard play therapy many times and it has even become an everyday term; It is believed that it only consists of playing to distract, de-stress, etc., however, it goes much further. In this article, we will learn a little about its objective, what it is about and what are the main problems ... Read more

When is child psychotherapy necessary?

By: Dafne Delgado / Updated: 2022-03-03

This is one of the most frequently asked questions by parents. Taking care of the mental and emotional health of our little ones is of gigantic importance. Always having information that can guide us on when it is necessary for us to use child therapy is essential. Here we leave you a list of the ... Read more