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Love and Friendship Day Dynamics for Kids

The day of love and friendship is one of the most important dates and is loved by children and adults. Precisely this day serves as a beautiful pretext to show all our love and spend it in the company of those we love, whether friends or family.

Here we show you some dynamics or activities for children, either to carry them out at home, in meetings or even at school, which aim not only to have fun but to continue promoting friendship between the little ones.

The mime of memories

The first thing we must do is choose a participant who wants to share an experience that is pleasant and fun for him. He can only think about it, not say it. Preferably it should be something that not everyone present is aware of. This so that it is not so simple or cuts the dynamic, on the other hand, because a large part of what is desired is that they can know new things from their peers in a dynamic way.

Once the child chooses his memory he will present himself to others, and act what happened, he can not say a word, write or take objects. It’s about working with the imagination. Once you finish acting, the others will have between a minute and two to say what they understood. Then our actor will tell us what he was referring to, telling us his experience. The child who comes closest to the correct answer will earn a little candy or points on the board.

The phone of trust.

Many times we forget to tell another person everything we like about him or her, and even thank the things that were meaningful to us. This is the ideal time to do it with the best attitude. We will play broken phone, but using this theme.

We will place ourselves in a row, and the one at the end will think of a phrase that he wants to tell the person who is formed first in the row. To get the message across, he will say the phrase to the person in front of him.

The idea is that he says it as fast as he can and speaks to him in the ear so that others cannot hear. That message will be passed from person to person until it reaches the front. Once you get to the first person, they will say what they understood and what they think they wanted to tell them. Later who initiated the message will say what the original phrase was. To continue the dynamic, the first in the row is placed at the end, to start again.

Although it is a very simple game, it is also fun and encourages communication between children. Let’s not miss the opportunity to be kind or grateful to friends.

Getting to know my friend.

This game is about getting to know each other even more. Although they live together on a daily basis, they do not usually ask themselves certain types of things, such as tastes, fears, emotions, etc. It is a good time to encourage this type of dynamic. First, create a set of questions that are interesting and uncommon, those that you consider can help them improve their coexistence. For example:

What is my favorite color? Which drink do I like the most? What makes me angry more easily? What scares me the most? What is my first surname? What makes me sadder? How do I express my love? How do I express my sadness? Which movie do I prefer? What is my best memory with you?

Once you have them structured, list them. Depending on that number, you multiply it by two and add one to it. Later he counts a row of pictures on the floor, with that number; in case your floor is made of tile. You can also draw them with a gis, or use other material. In the middle of that row, you put a sweet, for example, small chocolate, etc. Place each child at one end of the row.

To kick off the game, flip a coin to see who starts. State your first question. The child who lost the blow will say two options as an answer, clear with information from him. One right and one wrong. For example: What is my favorite color? If the child likes blue, he can say blue and also green as a response. The other child will need to guess what the correct answer is. If he wins, he advances a square. Then follows the turn of the other little guy. You will state the same question and the opposite child will say his answers. So on. The child who manages to reach the sweet wins, or whoever is closest to him.

Remember memories

This game tries to memorize words. First, a child says a word, the one who follows repeats it and enunciates a new one, and so on. It’s about remembering every word that has been said in the right order.

You will test their memory, it is fun and the idea is that the words they say have a meaning for them, that it is from different things they have lived together.

For example, if one day they played on the beach and buried themselves in the sand, some words can be, beach, sand, sea, fun or if they accompanied each other in a sad moment, they can say support, care, hug. This will allow them to appreciate and remember every moment they have experienced together while having fun.

We hope these dynamics allow you to spend a great day of love and friendship with your little one.

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