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Amazing Apps First-Time Parents Can Benefit From

As a first-time parent, you definitely need help to navigate parenthood. Newborn babies need so much attention – from diapers to taking baths and getting the formula right. You will also need to track the baby’s growth and development.

Nonetheless, the great news is that first-time parents – especially moms – can now benefit from helpful parenting apps.

Without further ado, let us jump into the list of apps from which all first-time parents can immensely benefit.

Keep reading!

Maternal Well

This app is specifically directed at newbie mothers as new moms need more emotional and overall wellness support during their post and pre-pregnancy. The Maternal Well app is the perfect AI replacement for a real-life postpartum doula.

The app allows newbie moms to connect with board-certified experts who can assist newbie moms with breastfeeding, sleep training, and overall wellness – including managing postpartum depression.

The virtual assistance of the board-certified doulas can provide additional support and guidance throughout postpartum, childbirth, and pregnancy.

Daddy Up

As an expecting mom, you can help your spouse get through the pregnancy and manage their expectations correctly. This app is perfect for first-time dads who know nothing about childbirth and what to expect from pregnancy.

This app has made it easier for first-time dads to understand the entire progress in their language. The app will provide first-time dads with weekly pregnancy progress. The app also helps dad make their own customizable checklist to ensure that they are on top of their make and complete their daily chores.

This amazing app also includes a journal log, a contraction counter, and templates for sharable baby announcements.

A Soft Murmur

Parenthood can be extremely challenging when it is coupled with the responsibility of working from home. And when you finally have put your baby down to sleep, you have the time to check on your emails and respond to important client queries.

With that said, you can immensely benefit from this amazing app as it will help you focus on the given task by inducing different ambient noises that can cancel out any other distractions. You might as well use this background noise generator as a lullaby to help your firstborn fall asleep peacefully.

This app has a variety of white noise to offer, which can be quite soothing – depending on the sound you play.

All Recipes

We all know that the right food can help new moms with a speedy recovery from childbirth. While you might have an easy and smooth childbirth, your body still needs time to heal and recover, which is why you will want to focus on getting the right nutrients in your body.

With this app, you won’t be wasting unnecessary time deciding what to eat. This app has loads of amazing searchable recipes – based on what you have available in your pantry. Using this app, you can also find recipes based on occasions, such as Memorial Day, Mother’s Day, Graduations, etc.

During and after pregnancy, you will want to consume a nutrient-dense diet that includes healthy fats, protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals. A healthy postpartum meal plan is the key to replenishing your body. 

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