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Sesame Street Party – Do it yourself!

As well as in the other posts, I have put ideas to make the party for your little one, today I bring you ideas for a Sesame Street Party – Do it yourself! especially for the kids who love Elmo, Big Bird, the Cookie Monster, and everyone else!!

1.- The invitation, here I leave you some blank templates to put the date, name, place (CLICK ON THE IMAGE TO SEE IN LARGE AND BE ABLE TO PRINT IT):




2.- The signs, a great idea for this type of party, is to print original signs style “Sesame Street” in fact I took the liberty of creating a letter size for the most important thing (CLICK ON THE IMAGE TO SEE BIG AND BE ABLE TO PRINT IT):

3.- The details, things like bottles of water, glasses, or cutlery with some ornament will make the difference:aguas-sesamo




4.- The activities, the children can not be still, so coloring one of these drawings can be of great help (CLICK ON THE IMAGE TO SEE BIG AND BE ABLE TO PRINT IT):colorear-plazasesamo colorear-sesamo

5.- If your guests are a little older, you can cut in cardboard and the idea is that they have to throw the paper cookies in the mouth of the character, it can also be economic to do it with this material:


6.- The decorations, the easy thing about Sesame Street is that the decoration is of many colors, we had already seen an easy DIY for the party, the pompoms in the minion party, but I put them here back again for you:




7.- Dessert, you can make some very nice cookies, cupcakes, or invest a little in cake:galletas-sesamo




8.- The candies and goodies, for when the party is over many give goodie bags (here I leave you an option), but you can still use painted cans as candy containers for the party, here you can see them below:plazasesamo


9.- The gifts, if you like to give a gift in addition to giving candies to the guests of your party, some crayons are magnificent for this purpose. A bag with a Sesame Street style sign (CLICK ON THE IMAGE TO SEE BIG AND PRINT IT):




ico mamatips
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