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Mom, take care of yourself

Many mothers find it difficult to find a space for themselves, feel guilty about taking care of themselves, and they don’t know how to find time to stop in their busy daily lives. They do not realize that finding time for themselves is very important and they should not consider it as a luxury… Mom, take care.

Good for you and those around you

Find something you like, relax, and make you feel good, recharge your battery to get on with everything in a more positive way. Think this will not only be good for you, but also for those around you. You can give more energy and love to others when you are full of energy.

A clean house, quiet and happy children, work, and active social life, today many mothers are running out of time. Every mother deserves time for herself. But how do you do it to devote more time to yourself and why is it so important?

Everyday life demands a lot from parents. Women often have to do a lot of themselves and feel chronically guilty because they feel they can’t do everything or at least not as they would like. Mothers often take good care of their children, partner, friends, and family, but often forget themselves. We advise you to stop wanting to do everything perfectly, that means, for example, that your house doesn’t always have to be perfectly tidy, especially if you have young children.

Remember, time for yourself is important

Being a mother means being busy most of your time caring for your little ones. You’re busy with this and all the daily things you have to do, as work can be, and even though you have a partner to help you, you have to take care of a lot of the house. At the end of the day, you’re exhausted on the couch with no strength for anything else.

Because a mom’s life is often hectic, it’s good to take it easy from time to time and pay attention to yourself. Why? Your body needs rest. If you spend too much time without recharging your body, you may experience symptoms of fatigue: headaches, neck and shoulder complaints, or back pain. Your mind also needs rest and relaxation. Otherwise, you can’t put things in perspective anymore. If you relax regularly, you have more energy and want to do your daily activities, being more able to see the positive sides, sometimes you see things a little differently and you keep control instead of having the feeling of losing control. But how do you get more time for yourself?


We give you some tips, Mom, take care…

When was the last time you took good care of yourself? Did you do something that makes you happy and energizes you?

Some research shows that many mothers feel guilty when they take up a space for them.

Taking good care of yourself is important, taking good care of others starts by taking good care of yourself.

How can you take care of others if you don’t take good care of yourself? How can you give love and attention to others if you don’t give love and attention to yourself?

It’s time to take better care of yourself, dear mom.

– Try to get up in the morning a little earlier than the rest of the family. It’s great to have the time to start in peace and quiet, maybe having a coffee and reading something that interests you.

– The night can also be a good time to look for space for you when the kids are in bed, you can relax with a hot shower or a bath to relax tensions. You can enjoy that time for yourself, for example with a good exfoliation, putting on a mask or painting your nails.

– Go out to nature on your own. It’s good to be alone from time to time and get some fresh air. Nature will help you find peace and quiet.

– Take a break, let your kids watch a movie or play at a place at an agreed time. Arrange a time with them, for example, half an hour, during which they can enjoy doing something they like while you do something for yourself. If your children are still too young for this, you can always agree to this break time with your partner or another member of the nearest family.

– Meeting with friends who also have children can be a great idea. When the kids are playing together, you have time to chat.

– Don’t worry so much about washing dishes running, vacuuming, or cleaning at night when the kids are in bed. It can be very positive to have time for you when the little ones are in bed at night.

– If they are playing, you can take advantage to grab a good book. You can read even a few pages. Every minute you have for yourself is good!

– Plan an outing with a friend without the children coming. Get out of the routine for a while, don’t think that’s why your family’s going to think you don’t love them.

– Occasionally you can call a babysitter and go out with your partner for a while to do something they like. Time with each other is good for the couple’s relationship.

– Is your patience almost overwhelmed? Give yourself a few minutes to meditate. You can do short meditations for a few minutes. You can look for something to keep kids entertained during that time and you can recharge your batteries.

– Try to exercise, if you can’t go to a gym, you can always look for some fun class on the Internet and put it a couple of times a week. It will help you take all the stress and get energy.

– Find the time to watch a movie or series you like.

– Occasionally what we want the breasts most is to do nothing. Just sit down and don’t do anything. You’ll find it’s hard to do anything. Soon you’ll want to get up and get to work. But try to enjoy these moments of pause, peace, and tranquility.

– If possible try to maintain a bedtime routine early for a good night’s sleep. Obviously everything can’t be done because when they sleep you want to do other things but, at least a couple of times a week, try to rest more to recharge for the days you sleep later.
– Learn something new that makes you happy. Take a course, learn to play an instrument, or sign up for a dance class. You can do it even once a week or every two weeks, but you’ll feel like you’re doing something just for yourself.

– Listen to a podcast or an entertaining audiobook. Ideal for taking a break or while cooking.

– Schedule the time for you in your calendar regularly and don’t let everything that comes up get in the way of your plans.

It’s time to get first more often. Don’t forget that if you take the time to recharge, you can take better care of others. From now on, take some time for yourself! Grab your schedule and plan that time for yourself now. You don’t have to feel guilty about your kids and your partner. They can miss you so much, but they’ll be happy when they see you’re okay.


All the information we give you in this article is indicative as each mom and family are different and unique.


Carolina González Ramos

Edda Virtual Solutions

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