How to care of the skin during pregnancy
To prevent the appearance of stretch marks, it is recommended to use specific creams from the first month of pregnancy.
The ideal is to combine these treatments with exercise, hydration, and adequate nutrition.
Pregnancy causes changes throughout the body and affects our physical and mental state. In some moments, for good, and in others, you can make us spend some moments that we would like to avoid. Hormonal mismatch affects many aspects of our body, and one of the most visible is precisely the skin. There are women for whom the complexion improves, showing a smooth, luminous and flawless skin. It’s what many people call the “pregnancy glow,” which makes some women look better than they did before pregnancy.
However, many others live the opposite: acne, redness, pimples … Imperfections that we thought were forgotten after bothering us in adolescence, reappear due to the hormonal hurricane that our body is experiencing.
¿And the stretch marks?
Whether we live the pregnancy glow or not, what seems common to almost all pregnant women is the appearance of stretch marks, since the skin stretches, adapts and our weight changes very quickly. These brands, which do not have to be unsightly (many people are reminded of the reflections of the sea on their skin), are a headache for countless women, who are trying to find a remedy to make them disappear from areas such as the buttocks, the belly or breasts. The internet is full of tips and home remedies like lemon juice, shea butter or white sugar, but some tricks are not as effective as they are. To prevent them from appearing or reduce their presence, I recommend this guide where they delve into what are the best anti-stretch mark creams as well as their ingredients, effectiveness and ease of use. In it you can find creams and brands of different types, which also adapt to different types of skin and are made with natural ingredients.
The ideal is to be farsighted and start using creams and treatments from the first moment, from the moment the belly starts to grow. Thus, we will take care of the skin and avoid as much as possible the appearance of these characteristic marks. As in any other health or beauty treatment, it is essential to be consistent and follow a routine, in addition to spending time doing it. The better we do it, the better results we will get. It is recommended for this to use good creams, with vitamins A and E, that we apply a few times a day.
Bees Wax, Trofolastín, Ardaraz or Isdin are some of the best creams on the market, which can also be used not only during pregnancy, but also afterward, since the months after delivery are key to recovering the properties of the skin. These creams not only help with stretch marks, but many also prevent the appearance of scars or blemishes, so they can be used by adolescents, people on diets for weight loss or during lactation.
In addition to creams: hydration, good nutrition and exercise
On the other hand, miracles do not exist, but success after a well performed treatment does. Therefore, we must combine the use of these creams with good nutrition and hydration, for which we can always have a reusable bottle or a canteen on hand, to force ourselves to drink even if we are not thirsty. As for nutrition, it is good to follow a meal schedule and avoid fatty and fried foods as much as possible.
The bad thing about stretch marks is that they are annoying and for some women, unsightly; But the good thing is that there are already many studies and other women who have had them that let us know what works and what doesn’t. And is that according to the data, about 70% of women who have gone through a pregnancy have stretch marks.
Stretch marks: from red and purple to the dreaded white
And above all, it is important to distinguish between the different types of stretch marks. The first to appear are red or purple, technically known as “striae rubrae”. They usually generate some itching on the skin and from that moment we can start to take care of them or moisten them with creams. Then they begin to clear up and turn into white striae, the “striae albae”, which usually remain permanently. In any case, even if we get to the point that they turn whitish, it is possible to hide them by rehydrating the skin with the advice we have already discussed in this article.
In summary, the appearance of stretch marks is something completely normal in the months of pregnancy or after childbirth, and that affects most women. Stopping them on time or improving skin hydration is possible if we use good and adequate creams, combining their application with good eating habits, frequent hydration and moderate exercise.
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