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The Montessori Learning Tower what is it?

Have you heard of the Montessori Learning Tower? It is a tool that allows a child to carry out daily activities independently with their parents.

What is a learning tower?

Young children are always curious and interested in helping with daily activities. From helping to cook to washing your hands. So they are growing more and more and want to do everything themselves; that is why parents like to look for the best way to stimulate them in this regard. It is an educational resource which helps to develop the independence of the little ones, a safe tool in which to climb to be able to carry out activities that due to their height would be impossible for them to do for themselves.

The so-called Montessori Learning Tower can be the perfect solution, it is a practical tool with which you can involve your little one in daily activities safely. a simple structure, usually made of wood, that allows activities to be carried out at the height of adults.

It is a kind of bench or platform with railings or edges that gives it security. This tower is very robust and stable. It is easy to move and due to the different styles and colors mix easily in any type of decoration.


The Montessori education

It is a learning procedure founded by the Italian scientist and educator María Montessori (1870-1952), which emphasizes a collaborative environment where there are no qualifications or exams.

This education system is both a philosophy of child development and a foundation to guide that growth is based on two important developmental needs of the little ones.

– The need for freedom within limits

– A carefully prepared environment that guarantees exposure to materials and experiences.

The purpose of this method is to help each child reach their full potential in all areas of life. The activities promote the development of social skills, emotional growth and physical coordination, as well as cognitive preparation for future intellectual academic efforts.

While the learning tower is inspired by the Montessori principles, it is a recent invention. These learning towers are based on the basic principle of Montessori education, that is, do it yourself, discover it yourself and learn it yourself.

In addition to this, the towers are super practical. Children can grab their own tower when they want to help and get on and off themselves. In this way, they learn to explore the limits and gain more confidence in themselves.

At what ages this tool is useful

The learning tower is suitable for approximately 18 months and will last for years. The important thing is that the child knows how to walk and has firmness in his legs to be able to stand in the Tower. In this phase, they are at their maximum potential of the motor phase, so climbing and climbing, getting into holes over and over… etc is definitely a game for them.

The age limit to use it is less between 4 and 5 years. It is important that you pay attention that the waist does not exceed the upper barrier too much as it could pose an additional risk of falling.

Remember that, although children can get on and off the learning tower autonomously, parents should always be closely watching that the use of the tower is adequate.


What are its different uses?

The tower can be very practical in different places and contexts, you can use it as a loft to help in the kitchen, or for the bathroom, as an aid when washing your hands and teeth.

Thus, avoiding possible unexpected falls and of course so that the child feels comfortable and can learn these daily activities of help and hygiene in a comfortable and safe way, the greatest advantage of having a learning tower is to be able to rely on the skills of Children without suffering from possible accidents.


Some of its benefits

That tool as I comment has a wide range of uses and many benefits.

─ For example, it encourages participation in daily tasks. That is the intervention of your children in simple activities such as cleaning, ordering, drying or cooking without having to be stressed thinking that it can be unstable or dangerous anywhere they want to climb.

– Provides children with enriching experiences of sensory type, which involve fine motor skills and entertains them and allows them to learn new activities.

– It allows them to stop being spectators of what happens, to be protagonists. This also gives them some responsibility, according to their age.

The benefits are multiple, both for children and for the adults around them.


Where can you get the learning towers?

There are many options as far as the tower is concerned, both to manufacture it and to buy it.

If you are good at home with these topics, you can search the Internet and you will find a lot of guides and resources to know how to make a home learning tower that is robust and safe. In addition to that, it can be fun for your child to collaborate in its construction and especially in decorating it to your liking.

If, on the other hand, you prefer the option of buying directly, simply by typing in your Internet search engine the name will appear an endless number of purchase options, from a handmade one to stores of different brands and styles.

All the information that we give you in this article is indicative since each child and each family are different and unique.


Carolina González Ramos

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