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Tips to make a children’s birthday party without spending so much

In these times a party is synonymous with SPENDING, competition with friends, and impress. And now we care too much about the details and that everything is perfect, but let’s face it, that matters to us parents, not to the little ones. They are happy that the people they want are present and there are candies and gifts.

Based on that simplistic thought in which happiness and the moment are above any luxury, decoration, or extraordinary party, these are some tips to hold a birthday party without throwing the house out the window. For instance, you can still enjoy delicious treats like an eggless cake in Singapore without compromising your budget or dietary preferences.

Choose a theme for the party

Being clear about what the party will be about will prevent you from buying everything you like in your path. Around the age of 2 children begin to define their interests and can tell you exactly what they like and what they want their party. But for younger babies or for the undecided, the theme may well be a color, an object, or any character or situation that identifies them. You know them better than anyone and you can say for them or next to them.

Buy the basics

Do you already have the theme? Well, surely from that theme there are already prefabricated decorations for the party: the happy birthday sign, the candle of the cake, the balloons, the plates for the cake, the glasses, etc. Buy! They are not excessively expensive and are usually found in any supermarket. With them, you will give the identity of the theme to the party.

Candy bar?

No! Of course, the very fashionable candy table looks beautiful, and the sweets look very accommodated and gives the impression of a party on a budget. Stop and think about it calmly! Are the children – your child – interested in the existence of that candy table? I dare say the answer is no. The little ones are only interested in having candies, but not at a table with everything perfectly accommodated and expensive snacks.

Serving containers with typical sweets at each table or at a special table is more than enough. Sweets in the piñata and candies in the goodie bag – worth the redundancy – is all you need. Don’t pay for someone to set up your table.

Candy bag

Now it is so fashionable to buy gifts for each of the invited children, plus a case / backpack / glass / etc., in which to put those sweets and gifts, the price rises a lot. Let’s go back to the basics to what really makes kids happy: candies and that’s it. The way you deliver those sweets matters little or nothing to them, so forget what other moms will think and give them a simple goodie bag. This also significantly reduces expenses.

The venue

There are beautiful rooms that are rented for children’s parties. These rooms offer you everything: food, coffee, snacks, drinks, piñata, etc. When you do not have time to organize a party and have enough budget for someone else to take care of this, this type of room is the best option. But when what you are looking for is to save costs in everything you can, there is nothing better than you buying everything separately after having quoted each object in 2-3 places. Definitely, the best option is to organize the party in your house.

I understand that sometimes there is not enough space inside our houses/apartments to have a party with several people, but you are sought. It can be in the house of the grandparents, in the house of the uncles, in the house of the godfather, in the house of the best friends, etc. The idea is to look for options and not pay for a lounge or garden that also limits you to certain hours and then basically “runs” to the guests. Making a home event is always the best and most economical option.

It’s not about impressing anyone, it’s about your little one being happy.

Budget birthday cake

There are gorgeous cakes with these fondant covers and the handmade characters on top decorating the dough. Wonderful! But very expensive. At least to me it seems excessive for a cake of $250 for 50 people. And in my experience, fondant cakes are beautiful on the outside, but they don’t exactly taste as good as they look.

For me a cake must be delicious, otherwise why would I eat so many calories if I didn’t even enjoy it on the palate? What I can advise you is that if you already have a trusted pastry or pastry chef, send him to make a cake with simple meringue and delicious filling, and decorate it either with meringue letters on the same cake, or with a special candle or cake topper, and sparks to decorate it and that’s it. The only thing that matters is that your child blows the candles after singing the birthday song, that he has fun and that he feels special.

Of course, the tasty cakes are finished, and the very beautiful but bad tasting, stay in the refrigerator for days.

In conclusion: do not exhaust all your resources in a single birthday. With your love and your care, your children will have birthdays every 365 days for decades and decades, and better to celebrate them moderately every time we get into debt or be stressed by this celebration every year, don’t you think?

Happy birthday to your son and to you as a mom!

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