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Files: our baby

Your baby of 3 months

By: Dafne Delgado / Updated: 2014-07-29

Your baby of 3 months, has the curiosity of everything that surrounds him and he shows it by the way he looks his hands when they move, he touches the objects around him, and it’s interested in looking your face. He’ll show his interest and curiosity looking, touching, hearing, and tasting. Know your baby a ... Read more

Baby shoes

By: Dafne Delgado / Updated: 2014-07-28

Baby shoes are probably one of the things we care about the less, but they’re a beautiful detail for our little ones.  I, as a mom of a 3-year-old boy, can tell you: put whatever you want on your babies!!! Because when they grow up, they will wear tennis not because they are gorgeous, they ... Read more

Mom tip #11 – Why do babies cry without tears? Is it normal?

By: Dafne Delgado / Updated: 2014-07-28

Don’t worry #mom, the first days of life, the #babies cry without tears because they have their eye ducts closed, so, don’t worry and let’s see what the baby needs.