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What is an ergonomic baby carrier? Benefits and indications
I’m Elvira Salgado of Emikoala guest writer and again I am very pleased to share more about babywearing with you, this time I want to talk about ergonomic carrying, previously I told you about the advantages of carrying your baby, among some are the constant contact with your baby, reduction of stress and crying, improvement ... Read more
3 Tips to Help Your Baby Sleep
Sleeping babies and then being able to sleep ourselves is the big challenge that many parents face, especially at night. That is, the daytime naps that babies take are easy most of the time because if they have their belly full, they have a clean diaper, they have already bathed, the temperature of the house ... Read more
What causes rotavirus and what does it mean?
WHAT IS ROTAVIRUS? It is a virus that causes childhood infectious gastroenteritis. Almost all children will have at least 1 rotavirus infection before age 5. WHO IS AT RISK OF DEVELOPING IT? It is the most common cause of severe diarrhea in young children around the world. Children under the age of five are the ... Read more
Average infant weight and height chart
Average infant weight and height chart according to their age; from 1 month to 10 years old, you should know that all children are different, depending on the type of birth they have had (if they were to term) and genetics (especially height) of the parents: GIRLS BOYS Age Weight (pounds) Height (inches) Age Weight (pounds) Height (inches) 1 month 9.4 ... Read more
Your baby of 3 months
Your baby of 3 months, has the curiosity of everything that surrounds him and he shows it by the way he looks his hands when they move, he touches the objects around him, and it’s interested in looking your face. He’ll show his interest and curiosity looking, touching, hearing, and tasting. Know your baby a ... Read more
Homemade mobiles
When your baby is 0-3 months old, is very common to sleep in his bassinet or crib and is there most of the time, they are so small that sleep 15 to 17 hours a day in a spaced, with your shots due. It is advisable to put a mobile on top of it to ... Read more