How to cook faster with children
Healthy eating is sometimes a challenge, especially with children. So it’s no wonder that many parents find it difficult for their children to eat healthily. And if we’re also in a busy period, much more.
All families with one or more children know that on weekdays they don’t stop for a moment. Especially during rush hour. You have to pick up the children from school, do homework, chat, eat, exercise, shower, walk the dog, prepare things for the next day, sleep the children, etc.
For these reasons you ran up and down and often the diet is affected by this lack of time.
During these busy periods, we opt more easily for fast and unhealthy meals. But eating healthy doesn’t have to take long! Especially when you’re busy, it’s important to give your body as many healthy nutrients as possible.
If you analyze it, in most cases you can do some time. It may sound like a cliché, but it’s absolutely the truth. Decide for yourself the priorities, and a good diet should be one of them. So first take a critical look at your schedule, if you regularly don’t have time to prepare a healthy meal or have healthy supplies in your freezer, you may want to reorganize. Young children don’t eat much yet. Make sure what they eat is of good quality.
At the supermarket, it all starts with shopping.
Going to the supermarket can be a tedious task. Many times you don’t know what to choose because there are many options. Also, your child probably won’t stop asking for things, and that they’re usually unhealthy.
The shopping list
Make the shopping list at home with your children. You can give them a choice of different types of fruit and vegetables. Try to keep this list while shopping, so you can choose the products you need and, at the supermarket, you can say “no” to your child more easily. Don’t shop hungry, if you eat something before, you won’t be tempted to buy items that aren’t on the shopping list.
Plan meals
Try to plan as many meals as possible so your fridge doesn’t end up empty or with unhealthy options.
You know you don’t have time to cook and this happens to you regularly. If you organize, you can respond to these moments more easily.
You can plan your meals over the weekend and then go buy whatever you need for the whole week. Prepare meals with shorter shelf life products earlier in the week and try to use leftovers in the other recipes.
Cook at an hour of the day where you have a little more time. For example, at night, so that the next day, when you leave in a hurry, you can take it and warm it up later. This way you always leave the food ready in the fridge and everyone can heat it when they come home hungry.
Use your freezer! Cook meals that are easy and quick to prepare during the week, and save the weekend for recipes that will take longer and you can freeze to use during busy weekdays.
In the kitchen
Don’t make it too hard
You may want to prepare special meals every day, but let’s be honest, no one has time every day for that when you run a family. The number one tip is that you shouldn’t do things too hard for yourself.
Simple dishes
Choose simple dishes that are quick to put on the table or with which you can do various tasks while cooking. For example, baked recipes. While the oven does the work, you can clean the table, change a diaper, clean toys, etc. Another type of simple and healthy preparation are the dishes to the wok. It often takes you less than 15 minutes to make them and you can put a variety of vegetables on it.
Organization during the day
A quick breakfast doesn’t have to be unhealthy. Make a bowl of oatmeal, add some fruit and milk and you’ll have a healthy start for the day. You can also prepare part of breakfast before bed, so if you have to leave in a hurry in the morning, just grab it and go.
If you have lunch at work and children at school, you can prepare a healthy recipe for everyone and then put it in a container for each to take away.
What can I give my child between hours?
Fruit and vegetables are always good options, such as tomatoes, cucumber or an apple. A handful of unsalted nuts or a whole-grain sandwich can also be a good option.
Try to get your child to make his or her 5 meals a day. In this way, learn not to sting for the rest of the day. This also helps prevent cavities and helps maintain a good weight.
Only healthy food at your fingertips
Did you know that your home can help you eat healthier if you strategically place food? Think about where the fruit tree is in your house, at the table? And there’s always fruit in it? And the cookie can, where is it on the table or stored in the closet? Do you have a supply of soda and juice in the fridge?
Make sure there is healthy food in the house and that it is ready or easy to prepare. If your child has easy access to healthy products, he or she is less likely to be tempted to snack on unhealthy products.
If you organize and prepare in advance you can have a healthy diet in the family despite not having time.
All the information we give you in this article is indicative as each child and each family is different and unique.
Carolina González Ramos
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