How to adapt to a new school?
Change is a natural part of everyone’s life, but it is especially important to be cautious during the childhood stage. Because they will define a large part of how they will approach and deal with these situations. In the case of adapting to a new school, it is grief, which, depending on the situation, can cause endless emotions.
Although it is different for each child, we will try to make a list of points to consider so that your son or daughter can adapt in the best way to their new school.
List of tips for adjusting to a new school
1. Let’s close cycles and see emotional changes
The first thing to remember is that just because they are ready to start at your new school does not mean you have completed your previous stage properly. We can be talking about small kids who enter preschool for the first time and They say goodbye to their routine at home or children who change from primary to secondary school or even those who, for reasons such as problems with the institution, a change of address, or decision of the parents, have to change schools. Then we must dedicate a specific space to be able to express the emotions that the change provokes, what he will miss, allow him to say goodbye and above all, validate his feelings, even if you cannot understand them one hundred percent.
It’s important for him to know that you’re there to listen. They can write a letter, draw, tear up papers, talk to people, etc. Ask him what would make him feel better so he can say goodbye. Remember that it is a process and may take more than one occasion to talk about it. However, if you notice a lot of anger or sadness, you can always ask an expert to accompany you.
2. Identify fears
Now, imagining that we manage to somehow close the previous stage, let’s start by talking about the fears of the future. Every person who faces something unknown will have many fears. Make a list of them and write down potential solutions in case these catastrophic scenarios occur.
There is a good chance that they will not have to be used, but having a plan will allow you to feel relief and in some way protection. Once you cover that, now make a list of nice things that can happen. It is also important to start creating good expectations.
3. Research the new organization
Do a lot of research about the new school and compare the new regulations, activities, or organization. Not with the intention of determining which was superior, but rather to determine what adjustments must be made now; similarly, create possible ways for them to adapt to this new school, to the new, and to express their opinions on everything without losing sight of the possibilities that change offers them.
4. Classes and extracurricular activities
Identify activities within the institution that allow you to feel identified, such as a sport you enjoy, an extracurricular activity, or a class that allows you to meet people who share interests with you. That will allow you to start creating a membership.
5. Visit the institution in advance and prepare for the first day of school
Go to the institution ahead of time to see where you will take classes and what spaces you will need to travel to; this way, you can avoid feeling completely alien to the space and have more confidence to mobilize if necessary; if possible, create a small sketch. In that same process, know the most important places of the institution in case you require any type of help, such as nursing, the office, the orientation area, or psychological accompaniment.
Preparing for the first day is critical; you will make him feel supported. Arrive early at the institution so that you do not feel stressed for this reason and allow you to prepare. Arrange all your uniforms in advance, as well as food. Provide him with a contact number so he can call you if he needs it.
6. Communication spaces
Finally, once he starts classes, you must be very aware of small changes in your relationship with him, ask about his performance both to him and to the institution, and always validate; try to find a solution to what does not cost you work; and try daily to open a space to talk about your day at school. This will not only allow you to assist them in school matters, but it will also allow them to develop a closer relationship.
Remember that there is no recipe as such to achieve our goal, that manages to adapt to your new school, but if we can prevent, provide security and accompaniment with small actions, especially have a lot of patience, take into account that it is not only a school change but a routine that covers much of your day, therefore of their week and life. It’s a process and you can enjoy it as a team. We hope this information was very helpful.
We want to listen to you, what other point do you think should be taken into account for a better adaptation?
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