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16 Quick Costumes for Kids (gallery)

Surely you came here because you know that your little one has an important event with a specific theme or because they are already very close to an important date, and you need some costume easy to make or build, even that can be done by hand. Of course, that does not mean that they will not be beautiful, on the contrary, we bring you ideas of very beautiful costumes that will make your little one the feeling, feel happy and proud of the costume he will wear. Here we show you 16 costumes without much budget, quick and easy to create for boys and girls. Let’s get to work.

Fruit and Food Costumes

The first Costume is a strawberry.

We only need a red blouse and pants or a red and mallon green dress. Also cold silicone, green felt and a brown or yellow one.

Only in the felt we will draw leaves, remember them and stick them around the neck. Now in the yellow, we are going to draw small spots to simulate part of the skin of the strawberry and stick them on the dress or shirt and that’s it.

Pineapple costume

For this we will only require yellow clothes, green felt, a cardboard tube, we can use the toilet paper, a headband and cold silicone.

Let’s draw leaves on the felt and cut them out. Later we will glue them as shown around the entire roll of paper, until covering it completely, so that it looks more real we can make larger sheets in which we will stick on the tip. And ready, we only stick it to the base of the headband, remember that it must be thick so that it can stick properly.

Grape Costume

This is one of the simplest and easiest we have for you, but we suggest that it be only if it is a short event, since your little one will not have as much mobility as we would like. We will need:

A bag of purple balloons and a piece of green felt or green fabric, black down, a clothes that we do not use much and that has a hood, finally a cold silicone.

We are going to draw a couple of large sheets on the fabric and once cut out we are going to draw the “veins” in the middle to make them look more real. We will stick them on the top of the hood. Finally we will inflate the balloons and we will stick them around the body of our son or daughter and that’s it.

Ice cream costume.

Let’s buy: pompoms and a ribbon of the color that our little one chooses. A brown and silicone cardboard and marker.

We will draw pictures or rhombuses on our cardboard and wrap it in a cone shape, as the image shows. Once we glue it to ensure that it does not lose shape, at the base we will stick around the pompoms that our little one has decided. Once it is ready we will stick the ribbon so that it can be held to the face of your daughter or son.


Piñata costume

This is one of the most beautiful, it seems to be very laborious, but it really is very simple, it only requires a little more time than the previous ones.


Let’s get clothes first that almost your son or daughter no longer uses. Preferably we suggest that it be in one piece, like this dress, to make it more agile. Depending on what you find you can use crepe paper or felt, if you want it to be used more than once better get felt to make it durable. Later you will cut strips the size of the garment and before gluing it scalar and combining different colors, make small cuts, so that they look like wide barbites and go gluing.

In the case of crepe paper so that it does not break so easily, you can make the beards once you have already glued the strips with silicone.

In case you have more time to build it, you can opt for olanes instead of beards, as the image below and voila. To be able to decorate even more. You can make two conitos as in the costume of ice cream, but small and in the same way stick strips of felt around them and put them on a headband or a ribbon and tie it to the head.

Movie or Series Costumes

Chucky costume.

We do not need much, only clothes that refer to the character that would be a little shirt with colored stripes, a breastplate, toy knife, and red lipstick. The only thing that could be complicated is to find the clothes, but outside of that, we will only make small stripes on the face of our little one with red lipstick and blur them, we can use two colors, one stronger than the other, to make it look more real.

Flintstone Costume:

These characters have become well known, we will only need: Orange short, felt or brown fomy. A piece of brown cloth, preferably a stuffed cloth or brown felt. Toy bone and toy bate, preferably coffee.

We cut and glue small brown triangles on our little one’s shorts. Then we put the strip as seen in the image, we can sew it to the short to prevent it from falling, or use a necklace as seen in the photo, passing it under the armpit. We will stick the bone and that’s it.

Peter Pan costume.

It is one of the most tender. You have to get a green pants, green shirt, a size larger than our little one, a brown belt and green and red felt.

To the shirt we will make cuts to form triangles, both in the arms and in the part of the hip. We put the belt on top of the shirt and that’s it. For the cap there is only to cut two triangles and join them through the seam. Finally in the red color, we will cut a little feather that we will stick on the cap as seen in the image. And we’re ready.

Costume of Alvin and the squirrels.

This can be a good option to dress up along with your children. You just have to get green, red and blue jackets. As well as accessories such as red cap, green, headband audiophones and circular lenses. Later, we will go on to make up their faces, with whiskers and teeth. They will be a great team and they will prove it with this beautiful costume.

Animal costumes

In sweatshirts.

For these costumes we will only require felt, imagination and silicone. We will literally only draw the pieces or parts of the animals such as eyes, trunk, teeth, ears, nose, which are shown in the images and we will stick them on the jackets or sweatshirts.

Kangaroo costume

Koala costume

Puppy costume

Shark costume

Animal costumes/full body.

Flamingo costume

It is perfect for any occasion and very simple to build. We will need: Stole, strips or scarf of feathers / 3 pieces of black felt, light pink, strong pink./ Son and needle / 1 Ribbon of approx. 50 cm.

First we will need an appointment that is about 20 centimeters longer than your little one’s waist, so that we can knot it properly.

Also a feather scarf, also known as stole or feather strip and in case you do not find it you can use double-sided tape and stick the feathers by hand.

The first step is that once we have the scarf, we will divide it into small strips. These will be the size you want the skirt to be and you will make a knot at the top, attaching it to the ribbon as seen in the image.

You will repeat that step as many times as necessary until you fill the ribbon almost completely, you will only leave a small space to knot. As shown in the following image. Then we will put another piece of scarf, but that points upwards and that will be larger. The size will have to be the length of your little one’s waist so that she can turn her little one.

At the tip we will put the face of the flamingo. We can build this one with pieces of felt. A light pink one in the form of a circle. And the other two will form the peak. Finally we will sew it and sew it to what would be the neck and that’s it.

Dragonfly Costume

First we will need:

1 headband/ Cold silicone/ A unicel dial/ blue acrylic paint/ 5 wire hooks / 4 meters of thin fabric, transparent or white or 4 stockings./ Aluminum foil/ 2 balls of white pompoms/ 2 meters of white ribbon / clamp / tape.

The first thing we will do is build the top. We will need to take our unicel ball and divide it in half, we will paint it blue with our vinci paint. While you are drying…

We will take the headband and place two wire rods clinging to it in the form of an antenna, we will wrap them in aluminum foil and at the tip we will put a couple of pompoms and finally we will only bend the tip and stick in the middle of the antenna the two pieces of the sphere as eyes, so that it is as in the image

Now let’s move on to the part of the Wings. The first thing is that we will take one of the hooks and break the top of our hook, as shown in the image. We’ll do that with 4 of them.

Then we will mold them with a clamp so that they are in this way and we will join them by means of a tape

Finally we will use the stockings and cover the wings. If we have fabric, we can cover in the same way and sew in such a way that it can be fastened from the wire that shapes the wings. And voila, we have our wings. To finish. We will only cut two pieces of ribbon and join them through a small knot to the central part, so that from there they can use it to put them on.

Remember that to make it look even prettier or prettier you can use clothes that simulate a dragonfly, for example a black jacket with folds, as in the main image. Remember that these wings can also work for a butterfly or Fairy costume.

Butterfly costume


In this case we will follow the previous steps of our wing tutorial. The only thing you have to add is that we can color the fabric or stockings by means of a little aerosol, for example pink or blue color and with glue we will draw figures on the fabric. Also with a little brush you can give a different shape to the wire to make them look more beautiful.

Immediately we deposit a little glitter of the colors we want. We can also add by pasting in the middle as seen in the previous image a butterfly body, it can be with fomy or a piece of feather strip. This will depend more on our imagination. Finally, you should only choose some clothes of the same color and accessories, for example, it can be a skirt as the main image. Here are some other ideas

We hope that all these ideas will help you to create the best costume for your son or daughter and that above all you have a lot of fun doing it. Which was your favorite?

ico nancy
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